William Lane Craig has recently been talking about
theories of time. Listen to his recent podcasts. I’m going to talk
about these theories, what Craig believes regarding these theories, what I believe
about these theories, and the relationship these theories have with theology.
Most people reasonably perceive time as passing basically
the same for everyone. This is reasonable because macroscopically that’s the
only perception we need in order to function well in this world. But time is a
little more complex than that in how it is integral to the form and function of
the created order.
There are two basic sets of theories for how the universe
functions. Craig goes into more detail, but I’ll try to explain them both here.
The A Theory of time is that the past exists because it has happened and that
the future is not fixed and determinate like the past. The B theory of time is
that each moment of time is its own stand-alone slice of existence and that the
future is as determinate as the past.
Craig goes into some detail about the difference between
time passing and the measurement of time. Don’t get bogged down by this.
Philosophers are good at using very specific language without specifically
defining the language they are using. The specific definition may have been
expounded on somewhere, but philosophers assume that everyone knows what those
definitions are. I do the same thing, but at least I’m trying not to do that.
In fact, there’s much to say on this, but it’s not relevant to the point I’m
going to make here so I’ll refrain. When Craig starts talking about relative
time, the clocks ticking, the Lorentz transformation, etc., don’t worry about
trying to follow him. It’s not overly relevant to the point he’s ultimately
driving at.
What is relevant, however, is that Craig makes some
observations that imply that the A Theory and the B Theory are mutually
exclusive. The debate may often go there, but for all the wrong reasons. He’s
right to criticize B Theorists that dismisses the A Theory. Particularly, he
gives as an example the one who on judgment day stands before God for judgment.
The slice of a person standing before God is different than the slices who
sinned against God. I would add that such a slice would be different than the
slice who came to faith. How could God condemn a slice that didn’t sin?
One problem that Craig has with this argument is that he
is using a false understanding of the nature of sin. I can see that if his
exclusionary view of the B theory is true, that this may be the nature of sin.
But it’s not the biblical nature of sin. And perhaps this is why Craig says
that if the B theory is exclusive of the A theory that this denial of the
biblical nature of sin, among other things, would negate the B theory in favor
of the A theory.
But that’s the other problem. Although many may argue for
mutual exclusion between the two theories, I don’t see why they are necessarily
mutually exclusive. In fact the reason that Craig doesn’t like the B theory is
given in the third podcast: If there is any truth to the B theory, then there
can be no room for libertarian free will. The reason that this is a problem is
that Craig dismisses it because of a conclusion that he doesn’t like, not
because of some problem that is foundational to the theory. The only argument
that he gives is that there is no evidence possible for the theory. But this is
an argument from silence. Craig, himself, is a Molinist. Molinists believe that
God chooses from the best possible outcome based on libertarian free will
choices that He knows people will make. Molinism isn’t a view taught in the
Bible and it’s not provable. So this particular argument that Craig makes is an
argument against Molinism.
But there is another problem with his Molinism and what
he criticizes in these podcasts. He also talks about the multiverse. This is a
theory well represented in science fiction television programs and movies. He
gives one example from one of the Star Trek episodes. The theory is that at
every point where more than one thing could have happened, a new universe is
formed to accommodate the decision that didn’t get made in this universe. He’s
right to point out that materialists use this argument to make it possible for
the universe to be fine-tuned in order to sustain biological life as we know
But there is a problem with his rejection of a multiverse
as a Molinist. He likely considers that since God has chosen the best possible
course of action for the universe, that there is only one universe. However,
the Molinistic way that God does this is by considering all the other possible
universes. Now, I could at this point argue that by simply considering them,
they would exist at least with some limited ontological form. It’s a stronger
observation, however, to note that if God controls secondarily at every
libertarian decision, then there must be some truth to the B Theory. In fact,
the B theory must be compatible with the A theory. They can’t be mutually
The issue that Craig has with the B Theory exclusive to
the A Theory is that it presumes hyper-predestination. But he never considers
in these podcasts if it is possible that the A Theory and the B Theory are
compatible. That’s what I believe. I believe that we experience the world God
created as the A Theory considers it but that God creates it as the B Theory
presents it. I consider that His creation, providence, and sustenance are all the
same thing to God. But He also provides a continuity from one slice to the
next. My slice now is the same spiritual and moral entity as my slice a moment
ago. I’m mostly the same material being as well. I ingest food and drink and
expel various wastes as I go along. So my body changes over time. Nevertheless,
I am the same being albeit my decision-making ability is limited to the created
order that God has provided. To what extent has God determined my choices? I
don’t know, but He will glorify Himself in all of them.
Jim, thanks for the post. Have you written anything more on this particular subject? If not, can you recommend other reading material related to this subject. I have to confess that I have held this position for a little while now without calling it A and B Theories. I wasn't even aware of the A,B theory debate and so I just thought of it as eternal and chronological timelines that run together.