Monday, May 27, 2013

Pray For Our Men and Women in the Armed Forces

Today, as we remember the men and women who gave their lives in the service of our country, I want to acknowledge that their sacrifice is a mirror of the One who gave himself to pay the penalty for our sin against God. Just as Jesus reconciled us with God, the hope of the deaths of these men and women has been that of eventual peace.

War will be with us until Jesus returns. Therefore, we can expect the deaths of men and women in the Armed Forces of the United States to continue. Peace might ensue for a time, but another enemy will seek our demise and we must be prepared to defend ourselves.

However, in a post-Christian nation, many of these who will give their lives after the pattern of Christ do not know Christ. Their deaths will not result in their personal peace with God. Pray for these men and women who will yet go to war, make the greatest sacrifice, and be recognized with honor by us to know their eternal Savior and rest peacefully with him forever.

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