Tuesday, February 14, 2012


John Bugay at Triablogue posted this:

The image nearby was floating around on Facebook today; my cousin’s son (also my cousin), who spent six months as a Marine in the Iraqi desert (near Fallujah), at a time when things weren’t so nice there, had this posted, and I shared it. The following text was attached to it:

“Whitney Houston died today, sad, sure. But the entire world doesn't need to stop spinning for her. Do you know who else passed these last few weeks that nobody will give a second thought about? ... These outstanding men who fought and sweat and suffered and died, so that you all could live peacefully. She met her own fate curled up in a Beverly Hills hotel nursing her selfish drug addictions, not protecting your freedom as these Marines did. Semper Fidelis.”

My response:
From a Marine veteran of Desert Storm, pass on my appreciation to your cousin. Uncommon valor is still a common virtue among some. Let's pray that when we look on heaven's scene we find the streets guarded by these United States Marines! Oooh Rah!

And for those concerned with the lack of good theology behind that last line, it's adapted from the last line of the Marine's Hymn. I merely mean that I hope that my fellow Devildogs who made the Ultimate Sacrifice were believers. I'm sure many who have lost their lives in the service of our country have not been.)

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